Make An Impact

We need your help to provide staffing and funding.


The greatest gift of all is your time.

Youth of all cultures need quality interactions with other youth and adults.

Left unattended and without people to turn to young people are forced to deal with situations that they may not have enough experience to handle in a positive way.

What would happen if no one helped? We see this issue in increased high school dropout rates and less employability.

TOC provides that positive attention and affirmation that youth need at this critical stage in their lives through our programs.

We need volunteers to deliver these interactions. We always have more students in need...

We need people to volunteer.

Do you know someone who has the time to gift to our community?

We are Grateful For Your Participation

We, Translators of Cultures Youth Leaders, want to learn how to create a roadmap to success.


We all want to build a stronger community. Maintaining our social programs requires donations.

We know you want to make a positive impact on at-risk immigrant youth in the Sioux Falls Community.

The problem is that we need funding to continue the work that we do and we need community members to help. We simply can't do it without you.

We believe creating positive opportunities to shape our youth will have the biggest impact on our community as a whole. We understand that our success depends on reaching more community members that don't already know about us.

This is why we are asking for your help.

So you can stop waiting for someone else to do something and proudly say that you have helped better our community.

We are Grateful For Your Participation

We, Translators of Cultures Youth Leaders, want to learn how to create a roadmap to success.

Attend Events

Event Calendar for all events, workshops, etc.